
It's my life.

I've always wondered (and partly scared) if I would live my life as momentous as how I hope it be. Or maybe as moment-full compared to those whose lives I follow.

My dad used to work his ass off just to go to school. Aside from that, he used to wash his uncles' cars in order to have a wee bit of money in order to survive living in the metro. On school days, he would go see his uncle to wash his car. But instead of doing it at home, he used to wait for him early in the morning by his uncle's workplace parking lot which happened to be across his university. And as if that's not enough, his dear uncle would not ask him to wash the car early in the morning, he'd make sure he'd avoid my dad in the morning and would let him wait around there the whole morning and just come out for lunch. Right when everyone's outside and in the scorching heat.

My mom on the other hand stayed in the province, not a simple life though. Yeah she stayed where her family was but no... she lived in another aunt's place, away from her mom and dad and away from her brothers and sisters. She lived under a tyrant's wing, waking up early in the morning to sell through different barrios on barefoot armed with her basketful of rice cakes. And afterwards, she was expected to go to school and ace everything cos she was after all lucky.

I was raised amongst humbling stories that will surely whack all the spoiled-ness in anyone.

Stories of hardships at home, stories of adjustments away from home, stories of tragedies, of angst, and a lot of hardships. Different stories, different faces, different times and eras... some may change through time, others just may vary, but if you look at it closely, most of them are just one and the same. They hurt and leave lasting effects on us... hurtful feelings that lasts from generation to generation.

I have been out of the loop for the past few months. Some partly because of chance or by choice. I am going through a lot right now. But there are good days... and the best of it all is that I am still getting by, and surrounded by family.

I use to wonder if I'd ever have humbling stories in life that I'll be able to share to my children and their children. I use to wonder and at the same time thank God because I lived a blessed life without much hardships. Yet now, I know life is happening and I am embracing them. I am thankful for these hardships because in a way I know I was waiting for them.

Life is happening now... and I am living my story.

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