photo aka: the men in the family are selling like hotcakes but here's who u have to deal with when ur part of the family!
Kuya Joel got married the following year. Well it's actually after some days but since one was on December and the other on January we think that's two different years. What the heck. For us it's not sukob! And! we're not really a fan of those type of beliefs (except for my mom maybe who every now and then consults a feng shui master, thus explains those gold medalions around the house!).
If Kuya Carlo is the brother who treats me as if I'm forever 16, Kuya Joel is the exact opposite! I could get married at 16 and he wouldn't care less. He'll problie ask me if I'm sure and if I'm happy then that's it. Well ok, maybe that's not exactly true but Kuya Joel for me is a cool brother. Cool as in he lets me be. Cool as in he watches from afar and only makes himself visible if it seems I'm struggling already.
And on his wedding day, he was cool as in C-O-O-L. Like he's done it before. Im kidding! He's been to several weddings before but it was only then that he was the groom. With his 3 children with him, Kuya managed to be a proud dad and an anxious groom.
Kuya Joel met his match in Judith as I think they are both helping each other to stir in the right direction. I know she gave him focus in so many ways. She was that right person when he needed someone.
I'd say the wedding was really a ceremony of union... the union of 2 families and 2 cultures. (Now I'm thinking maybe I heard this from the priest's or the rabbi's message, I'm not sure!). It was also a nice happy day of mingling and REUNIONs. It's like a marriage of family/friendster connections. *wink, wink*
And so cheers to welcoming the new year with new beginnings, and the beauty of family togetherness. *ehem, ehem* And to the bride and groom in their new life as a married couple!

photo aka: the bride and groom (the 1 looking crazy below the bride) with the whacky fellas from OUR SIDE of the family