I am presently a beaming proud and ecstatic toddler teacher.
I love what I do and everyday is an experience that I LEARN and grow from with my special, special friends. I used to dread work when it was all about having to WORK in order to make ends meet, or atleast to have enough for the next saturday night gimik, weekend beach trip, or for that new shoe. But now, I do not even want to call it work because it just doesn't feel like that at all. Ofcourse it's not perfect! Nobody's perfect, or nothing is perfect... but in this case, whatever imperfections there are, the good ones always compensates for it 10x! And as cheesy as this may sound, I mean all of it down to the last period. Exclamation point.
Children in general, has always been a good remedy to chase my blues away. Back in the Philippines, a day with my nieces and nephews has always been an upper for me. The Sunday Family Day high is enough to keep me up for the dreadful Monday blues. And now, shipped on the opposite side of the globe, here I find myself in a room full of boys and girls that are just like my nieces and nephews... and what makes it even better? I get to see them everyday, not just on Sundays or on family holiday events.
I have attachment issues... atleast with children. I terribly missed these children during my month-long holiday vaca at home. I miss them during school breaks... and it just breaks my heart (SOOO BAD!) knowing most of them are moving up and I might not see them again.
Everyday I cry. Sometimes because I am touched with a parent's story about a kid's accomplishments or some adjustment issues like a parent being away for business. Sometimes out of joy for being a witness to a child's proud moment such as peeing in the potty, dressing up on their own. Sometimes out of love, because like the parents and all the teachers around the world, I am proud of these children. And yes, just writing all this down is bringing me close to tears already... just thinking, and looking back.
Every adult's life is touched by a child's life. We all smile when we hear children's tickling laughter, we all feel giddy when we know a child is being silly, we feel important when they cling to our hands for support... and I could go on and on. And one more thing to be thankful about children... it's that no matter how long they stay under the sun, or how long their last bath was... I'd still call baby's scent as one of my favoritEST scent in the world!
photo aka: just bragging about my kids
you moved and you didn't tell me.
i hate you...
but i love you anyways...
hahaha, forever labo...
Well everyone's been awfully busy these days!!! I can't believe it, on your summer days!!! Gosh! We must be really old... (and soo far away?) Let's stop using our blogs for updates!
It's about time u discover me! hehehe.
Sending you some labo love back! i miss you. heh!
hey just! found your blog na. hehehe.
i agree about the kids, i can't stop raving about my nephews too. kids are so adorable!!
see you soon!:)
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