
Family Holidays... part 1 of 11111....

Right after Kuya Carlo's wedding... my family headed out for our grand reunion. It was our NOT our family's reunion. Our family on our own took a while in order to arrange travel plans and everything, so I just can't imagine if we bring in the rest of our clan. So no! It was just OUR FAMILY'S reunion with OUR FAVORITE destinations. Traveling is a luxury for us. Every time we actually go on a trip out of the country there's always a memorable (usually funny-good) story to share. Usually it has to do with the pre-departure chaos. AKA no ride goin to the airport, someone left their passport, and ofcourse the buzzer beater arrivals at the airport for our flight! In short, even just the beginning is exciting already! Well we do make it to the airport, atleast in batches... some on time, some.... well u know... just intime.

It has been a while since all of us traveled to another country for the holidays. I guess in a way we were all still thinking about dad. It just feels different. But knowing our daddy I'm sure he'd be pushing us to take the young ones out the country by this time. Well come to think of it, it was a trip that turned all of us to kids again... Isn't it always like that every year for the holidays?! hehehe.

With a cool, nice day waiting for us. We were just ready to head out and MAXIMIZE our SHORT trip! Let's just say that even just from the NAIA airport we were all (and individually) ready with our travel kits at hand. By travel kits we mean digi/vid cam, calculator, and xmas money!

This year was diffrent though, most of THEM were just not traveling solo. Yep, even our family is GROWING old... and so it's not like those trips where we just map out our shopping strategies for night market shopping or one time big time brand name indulging. This year we go back to the basics. It's like we had to enjoy again the country like it's our first time there. In short, sightseeing is a priority, shopping is a luxury. Well ok, a priority at night, when the kids are sleeping already.

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photo aka: just who really is the native and who is the tourist

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