photo aka: my only by the xmas tree pic for 2006. AFTER opening my ONLY gift that day!
In the Guevarra household Christmas Eve is D MAIN EVENT. I'd say you never experience christmas unless u experience it with us. It's the day that turns all of us into kids. It's a great tradition that my family has started. You see, for a family as big as ours it's not everyday that we get gifts from our parents. And so for mom and dad it was during xmas that they really spoiled us. It's the day that we really get something from our wish list. And then later on when some of us (or maybe them?) started working the gifts got even better... better cos there were more. If you're off dad's allowance list then that means you're part of the gift giving committee as well. It's not a must but in our family, it always just feels better when you give something back.
Now that is only about the gift giving part! Christmas eve is always special for us because of FOOD. My mom is so used to cooking for all of us that she complains it's so hard for her to downsize the menu when most of my brothers and sisters started moving out of the house. My mom can prepare a FEAST any given day cos that's what she's used to. She's used to feed 12++ on a daily basis. And so what makes christmas merrier, it's our CHRISTMAS EVE FEAST! No matter where we are, at home, at some other part of the country, or in another country, my mom will surely cook and cook and cook A LOT OF FOOD just for us.
Another reason why christmas is special for us is because of our preparations. When we want to travel for the holidays, we'd surely be out before Christmas. For my married siblings it's like this, Christmas Eve at home with us and New Year's with your in-laws or with us too if we're someplace else. Every week my family makes it a point to get together to see each other and also now, for the cousins to have like a playdate together. It's also our family bonding time. When we have our family meetings, when we make special announcements, or when we gossip about each other's lives or other people's business. It's our way to touch-base with one another. And so don't expect we stop doing that because it's the holidays. Heck! Christmas Eve is like the mother of all our sunday family days!
I will always have the fondest memories of christmas. Christmas eve for me is the day that I always, always feel good, whether I've been good or bad! It's that day when I feel the joy of being with family. When I feel how blessed I am to be a part of MY FAMILY! Christmas is always about family and thanksgiving... for us it is about that and many many more.

photo aka: that's what happens when there's paparazzi cams! BEFORE opening our ONLY gifts for that day!
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